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[–]Supersonicslegobowser 5648 points 9 hours ago
Clippers are wasting Westbrooks prime
[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsRottenSmegmaMan 596 points 9 hours ago
Its like 2017 all over again
[–]Lakerserizzluh 189points 8 hours ago
some team is really about to throw him a max contract
[–]Clipperstalkinpractice 1161 points 9 hours ago
Refs are wasting Westbrook"s prime. The Clippers should"vehad the last two games.
[–]Supersonicslegobowser 533 points 9 hours ago
We need a Scott foster legacy game the next three games
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[–]AHouseQuestion 1108 points 9 hours ago
If nothing else, Westbrook proved that he is still a ballerin this league. The Lakers grossly misused him and had people thinking he wasdone in this league. The man has looked like a superstar in every game thisseries.
[–]Bucksshmere4 439 points 8 hours ago
Absolutely nuts. It’s too bad Kawhi and PG aren’t playing sowe can’t see what Russ looks like on a competent roster.
[–]Redditforever12 413 points 8 hours ago
i think rus does better as main man, but once he works withother superstars it goes bad for him
[–]Bucksshmere4 179 points 8 hours ago
That’s kind of what I want to see. Was it just a Lebron/AD/LALproblem or is it Russ next to superstars.
[–]LakersBalboaBaggins178 points 7 hours ago*
I mean this isn’t really an open question, we Lakers fanshave been discussing this topic ad nauseam for the past 2 years.
Westbrook being paid $47M next to AD, LeBron, and someG-Leaguers and rookies = horrendous spacing, arguably the worst possible typeof roster for him.
Westbrook being paid the veteran minimum surrounded by aliteral embarrassment of riches of shooters and wings (Kawhi, Powell,Covington, Batum, Mann, Morris) is obviously going to fare significantlybetter. The difference in spacing is night and day.
[–]antonio_starks 11 points 7 hours ago*
I always find it interesting when people see a player whowas formerly an MVP as a #1 option, not perform like an MVP as the #3 options.
Like what are people expecting? Basketball is a game ofmomentum and rhythm. If you aren"t able to get in the rhythm as a shooter, youjust won"t have those +30pt games consistently. That"s really what it is.
Look what happens when Brunson isn"t playing with Luka, andwhen Mikal Bridges isn"t playing with Devin Booker.
Westbrook had to be the #1 option tonight, and a former MVPis absolutely capable. But with Bron and AD or Kawhi and PG on the court, he isa 3rd option and that severely alters the rhythm of his game as a shootingthreat. The court isn"t spaced the same for him like when those guys aren"t onthe court.
I"m a Suns fan, but a Basketball fan first and foremost, sofor all of the slander Westbrook received as a Laker, I"m so happy to see himsilencing those idiots. Westbrook was Ballin this entire series, and absolutelyput respect back onto his name for those who were hatin... or at least itshould.
[–]SpursTapprunner -1 points 7 hours ago
And that"s kinda the problem. He was heroic, and he shouldbe commended for bringing it like this. This team needed every bit of hiseffort, and he left it all out there.
But if he"s the main man, his team just isn"t going to bevery good. If he"s not the main man, he is of limited value to a really goodteam. That"s all to say, in the last 5 years, if he"s been on your team, you"regoing nowhere special.
That doesn"t mean he"s bad or that he is worthless, or thathis peak wasn"t something to behold. But there"s a difference between beingable to ball out, and winning.
[–]Celticsnorth_canadian_ice 1254 points 9 hours ago
Westbrook is the most disrespected Hall of Famer so it makesme happy to see him ball out like this.
I fell in love with his game during the 2010 1st round vsthe Lakers. He is such a nice dude too.
[–]Bullsanti_dan 0 points 3 hours ago
I don"t think I didn"t think Russ could be a heliocentricplayer on a losing team. His problem has always been fitting in next to otherstars.
[–]Hawksfloatinround22 2 points 3 hours ago
Weird, I remember him going to the Finals with another star
[–]Thundersaipaul 1384 points 10 hours ago
This is so painful to watch as a Russ fan
[–]ClippersLosCleepersFan 449 points 9 hours ago
Hes putting us on his back and doing everything he can!Lotta clippers are playing with low energy and lack of effort on 50/50 ballsbesides Russ
[–]stragen595 120 points 9 hours ago
Don"t think Russ even has a low energy and lack of effortmode.
[–]Warriorshotpocketthrowaway 8 points 8 hours ago
On defense lmao. Not a comment on this game tho, didn"twatch most of it.
[–]Sea_Classroom_6839 15 points 7 hours ago
He’s been super good on defense this series at least withweak side help. Didn’t see this game though.
Obviously when he was an MVP he didn’t really try on thatend since he had to carry a horrendous roster offensively.
[–]AddictedToThisShit 16 points 9 hours ago
They"re gonna say he was statpadding in losses.
[–][SEA] Kevin DurantWestleyThe 11 points 6 hours ago
They are down 3-1 but Westbrook is averaging like 26-7-7 forthe series with good effort and defense
It’s actually ridiculous
[–]ThunderjustFramy 267 points 10 hours ago
almost shed a tear watching vintage westbrook man
[–]Bullsallknowerofknowing 923 points 10 hours ago
Zero free throws is actually crazy for someone who playslike westbrook
[–]acentipedesboner 276 points 9 hours ago
You gotta respect my dude, even if you hate his game. Hedoesn’t flop; he’ll still argue with the refs but is no where near as bad asCP3, Lebron, Luka, and Draymond. He also just doesn’t get many fts as you’dexpect for a player with his shot chart, and I mean going back to the OKC days.
[–]Clippersd1g1tal 44 points 10 hours ago
then fucking ship kawhi and pg in the off season. i’d ratherwatch russ put in effort every single game than the kings of load management.
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